Classroom Disclaimer
COVID-19 Safety Guidelines and Policies
As of May 30, 2023, ICP will no longer requires staff, faculty and students to be vaccinated against COVID-19. This change to our policy is based on the expiration of the federal Public Health Emergency for COVID-19 on May 11, 2023. We nonetheless recommend that all staff, students, and faculty stay current with vaccinations as per CDC guidelines. Masks continue to be welcomed but are not required.
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public space where people are present. We cannot guarantee you won't be exposed to COVID-19 by visiting ICP or participating in a course or workshop. Those joining a course or workshop do so at their own risk of such exposure.
These policies and guidelines are subject to change by ICP at any time.
Please Stay Vigilant. Not Feeling Well? Stay Home
While the current COVID trends are positive we ask that you please do not come into ICP facilities if you have COVID-19 symptoms. If you have symptoms, please consider getting tested on day 5.
NOTE: If you had a fever, you must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication and all other symptoms must show improvement before returning.
If You Are Diagnosed with COVID-19
ICP community members (staff, students, faculty) who test positive for COVID-19 should continue to follow the CDCs recommended protocols, which can be found here.
Additionally, please be sure to do the following:
- Isolate for 5 days.
- Inform your close contacts (anyone you have been in contact with for at least 10 minutes)
- Return after 5 days, if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication, and your symptoms are improving, or if you never had symptoms.
- End isolation after day 5 but wear a high-quality mask through day 10.
If You Know that You were Exposed to COVID-19
- You may report to ICP facilities, but we recommend that you wear a high-quality mask for 10 days.
- Consider getting tested on day 5.
- If you begin experiencing symptoms, you should not report to ICP facilities, and we recommend getting tested.
Follow Directions
By registering for a class, I agree to the following:
To enroll in an ICP Open Education course you must be 18 years old or older. This policy does not apply to Teen Academy.
In consideration of the opportunity afforded me to participate in classes in which photos or videos are produced by the International Center of Photography, and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I, the undersigned, hereby grant "International Center of Photography" (herein referred to as "ICP"), the irrevocable and perpetual right to use, copy, reproduce, and exhibit, all still, motion picture, and soundtrack recordings of me, my voice, my statements, including the right to use my likeness in or in connection with the publicity and exploitation of the photos or videos in any and all media.
I hereby release ICP, its successors, assignees and licensees from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with such use including, without limitation, any and all claims for invasion of privacy, infringement of my right of publicity, defamation and any other personal and/or property rights. I understand that ICP shall solely own the copyright in any publicity, printed or promotional materials used for or in association with such photos or videos. I waive my right to inspect or approve the finished photos or videos, or any related promotional materials.
Important Notice for Online classes
Some class sessions may be recorded, but that decision is up to the instructor in consultation with the participating students. Recordings are not guaranteed in any Open Education course; the courses are considered participatory, and students must be able to be present for the class meetings. By joining the class, you consent to such recordings. If you have concerns about being recorded, please discuss your options with the faculty. Recordings will not be available for one-day workshops.
Important Notice for Offsite classes
When classes are held on the public streets of New York City you are responsible for assessing your tolerance for known or anticipated risks that may cause physical or emotional injury to yourself or others. You assume all responsibility for any risk of loss, property damage, or personal injury that may be sustained by you, or any loss or damage to property owned by you, as a result of participating in the class, whether caused by the negligence of ICP or otherwise, to the fullest extent allowed by law. You agree to alert ICP, prior to the start date of the class, of any medical conditions that may affect you during class.